Name Index



Citation (2023), "Name Index", Sengupta, E. (Ed.) Pandemic Pedagogy: Preparedness in Uncertain Times (Innovations Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 49), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 187-196. Publisher: Limited Copyright © 2023 INDEX Aaron, B. M., 4, 78 Abdulmonem, W.A., 172 Aborajooh, A., 151 Abrami, P. C., 149 Abrego, J., 166 Adams, B., 83 Adler, N. 18 Aggarwal, 165 Aguilera-Hermida, A. P., 154 Ahmadon, F., 114 AJMC (American Journal of Management Care), 135 Akcinar, N., 61 Aksit, 120 T., Alam, K., 124 Al-Balas, H. I., Albrecht, 118 Allen, I. E., Amiet, D. L., 165–166 Analuisa, 123 Anderson, 84 Angelino, L. 56 Anthonysamy, 51 Arasaratnam, 17 Arias, J. Aristovnik, 80 Ariza, R., 170–171 Arnold, 14 Arooj, 148, Arora, 150 Arya, Ashman, H., Aslanian, C. 152 Asuncion-Lande, Atiaja, Aubrecht, 155 Baber, 44, Baik, Baker, 52 S., W., 15 Bakia, 4–5, Bamkin, 121 Banks, 13 Bardyn, 113 Barnlund, D., 17–18, 27 Barnouw, V., Barrot, J, 92 Basilaia, G., Baten, R. Bates, A.W., Bath University, 97 Baym, Beatty, Behling, K. 64 Beirne, 167 Bennett, 115 M. 16–17, 28 Benson, T. 76–77 Bergmann, Bernard, Bieber, Biesta, Biggs, 115, 117, Binder, 63 Bishop, 97, Bjork, Bjorklund, Blaabæk, Blankson, 169 Blier, Bloom, 62 Blundell, Boekaerts, Bojovic, P.K., 148 Z., Bonney, 55 Boothe, 57 Borokhovski, Borowiec, Bothwell, 134, 142 Bouzat, 79 Bower, 153–154 Boyatzis, 99 Boyle, Bozkurt, Bradley, 170 Bradshaw, 125 Brady, S. Bragg, Braithwaite, Brandenburg, U., Brenan, Brittan, Broadbent, 50, 56–57, 62–63 Broerse, Browne, Brownell, Brunot, 56, 58, 60 Buchs, Buck, Budhrani, 156 Bulman, 136 Bulut, Burgoyne, Burke, 98 Burns, Burton, Busby, 102 Buskirk-Cohen, Buskist, Butler, Byram, 15–16, 26–27 Cabus, Cahill, 61–62 Cai, 113–114, Cain, Cairns, 113–114 Calder, Caldwell, J.H., 171–172 Calvillo, Cameron, Cann, Capranos, Carlsen, Carpes, Carson, Carta, Caskurlu, Casselden, 122 CAST, 52, 56–57 Cataudella, Cathorall, M.L., Catterall, Cavanagh, T.B., Chakraborty, Chang, 59 T.W. Y. 164, 173 ChanLin, L.J., Charkoudian, 55–56, Chatterjee, 51, Chen, 82 G. Chenette, Cheng, 150–151 Chinnappan, Chiu, C.Y., Cho, M.H., 43, Chodkiewicz, Choi, Chokhonelidze, Chugh, Chung, CIPD, Clark, Clinefelter, Clinton, 12 Coffman, Cohen, Cojocariu, V. 149, Colaric, College Board, 139 Collins, Collis, Colwell, Comber, Condon, J.C., 16 Conroy, Conyers, Cooper, Corcoran, Corwin, Costa, 52–53, 57–58 Costly, 166–167, Cramp, 54 Creswell, 19 Cribb, Critz, Crompton, Croteau, 55, 138 Dagnall, Dalton, Daly, Daniels, 111 Datta, 93 Davies, Davis, U.C., 139–140, de Blaquière, la Rubia, 150, 153 De Wit, DeAntoni, 50 Dedding, Dee, Dejitterat, del Pozo Cruz, Del Rosario L.S., Delaney, O., Delaval, Deloitte, 100 Demei, 58 Demir, Dempster, 116 Deng, Denial, Devkota, Dgebuadze, Dham, Dhawan, 34, 152, Diliberti, Dippold, Doubleday, Downes, 112 Downing, Drabwell, 110–111 Dringus, Driscoll, Dunbar, Dundas, Duran, Durepos, Durham, 121, Dweck, Early, Edson, 57, Educause, 76 Eduljee, Edwards, Elkhamisy, F. Elzainy, Emahiser, Esteban-Navarro, Estelles, Evans, 137 Fairlie, Fang, Fathi Y., Ferrell, Fink, Fischman, Folley, Fort, Freire, French, 118, Frey, Fries, Frohlich, Fry, Fung, Gallagher, Gallen, A.-M., Galway, Gannon, 54–55 Garcia, García, Garcia-Madurga, Garrett, Gelles, Gemmell, Ghazalli, Ghoshal, Gibson, Gillett, Gladden, Go Abroad, Goedhart, Gold, Goleman, Gong, Gonzalez, Goodfellow, Goodman, Gordon, 57–58, 60–61 Govindarajan, Gradel, Grady, Gravett, Gray, Greig, Griffith, Groot, Grosse, Groves, 53 Guild H, Gunn, Guo, Gupta, M.S., Guri-Rosenblit, 152–154 Gurung, Guth, 140–141 Guzman, Haelermans, Hahn, Hähnlein, Hajek, Halamish, Hall, Halupa, Harasim, Hasan, Hathcote, Hawks, Haynes, Hearne, Heemstra, Hegde, 74 Heitz, Helsper, Henry, Heron, Hervey, Hew, S.H., Hill, Hincz, Hjeltnes, Hodges, Hofer, Hoffman, Holmes, Holt, Hong, Hooks, 54–55, Hoople, Hoque, Horn, Horz, Hosein, Howell, Howes, Hrastinski, Hsieh, Y.P., Hudzik, 137, Hunter, A.B., Hutchinson, 60, Ice, IEE, 134–135, 140 Imad, Imran, International Federation Library Associations Institutions (IFLA), Telecommunications Union (ITU), Irwin, Jaber, Jæger, Jain, James, Jaschick, Javed, Jefferess, Jessop, 96 Jewett, Jin, Jisc., 112, 117 Joe, John, Johnson, Jones, Judd, Juhel, Kaczmarek, Kahn, Kaiser, Kanekar, 169–171 Kantaria, Kapur, Karabenick, Karpicke, Kassem, Kattouw, Kaufmann, Kaup, Kaur, Keane, Kebritchi, Keeley, Kempland, Kentnor, Keržič, Kewal, Keyes, Khan Sullivan, Khoja, Killedar, Killick, Kim, E.H., Kirschner, Klingsieck, Knight, Koehler, Koester, Koksal, Koo, A.C., Kornhauser, Z. Kozma, Krishna, Kuh, G.D., Kukreja, V.S., Kumar, Kupczynski, Kurzweil, Laboissiere, Laffey, Lakhani, Lalani, 148–149, Lambert, Lamond, Lamport, Land, Lange, Larrea, Lasker, Laursen, Lazar, Le Bohec, Lederman, 76, Lee, Legg, Lehmann, Lemonde, Levy, Li, Light, Lima, K.R., Lin, Linley, Lipschuetz, Lipscomb, S.R., 171 Lister, Littlefield, Littleton, Liu, 44 Lockee, Logan, Lohmann, Long, Lonsdale, Lopes, L.F., Lopez, López, Lord, LoSchiavo, Lu, Luck, Luo, 134 Lustig, Lv, Mackie, MacLeod, Macnamara, Maeda, Magalhaes, Magda, Maguire, Maltese, Mannion, Marcellas, Marek, Marinoni, 157 Marmon, Martin, Martini, Martins, Masala, Mascia, Mateos, Mathieu, Matizirofa, 152–153 Mattos, McBrien, McCormick, McDaniel, McInnerney, McKenzie, McKeown, McKinsey, Mcnally, McNaught, McPherson, Means, 5, Mejia, Mejía, Mertens, Merzel, Meyer, A, Michinov, Middleton, Midgley, Millican, Mills, Mincey, Mireles, Mishra, Mittal, Molin, Moltu, Moody, 94 Moonen, Moore, Morrison, Morte-Nadal, Moskal, Mukhtar, Mundy, Mupinga, Murphy, Murray, NAFSA, National Research Council (NRC), Students, 99, Nature, Natvig, Naughton, Nedeff, Neel, Neff, Neil, Nelson, Neumann, D.L., Nguyen, Noetel, Nogales-Bocio, Nolan, Nora, Nordmann, O’Callaghan, F.V., O’Dowd, O’Neill, Obeidat, Ocaña, Office for Statistics, O’Flaherty, OFS, 94–95, Ohyama, Olson, Online Learning Consortium, Organisation Economic Co-operation Development (OECD), 138–139 Orpinas, Orsini, Oxfam, Paas, Padden, Palloff, Palmer, Palvia, Pan, Panda, Pandey, Parker, Pashb, Patricia, Patrick, Paudel, Paulk, Paunesku, Pearlman, 141 Pears, Pearson, Penna, Pérez, Perry, Petretto, Petterson, Pettys, Phillips, PI Datametrics, 110 Pine, Pintrich, Pittaway, Plano-Clark, Plants, Platt, Poole, Poon, W. 62–64 Popovich, Pratt, Pressley, Priestley, Prince, Proenza, Puentedura, Pugh, 77 Puzziferro, 57–60, Qiu, X., Quality Matters Program, Rainford, Rajon Jaishy, Ramires, Rana, Rapoport, 119 Rathbun, Ratliff, 77, 80, Ravšelj, Razzetti, 95 Redden, 135–136 Reed, Reedy, Regulska, Reid, Reisdorf, Rex, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rienties, Rintel, Ritzhaupt, Rivera, Rizvi, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roddy, Roder, Roediger, Roloff, Roman, Romanoski, Rosario, Rose, Ross, 64, Rubin, Rueda, Rusli, Russell, Ryan, Sacha, Sadik, Salkind, Sandars, Sanders, Santiague, Sargent, Sarkar, Sasangohar, Sax, Schaefer, Scheicher, Schloemer, Schmid, Schön, Scigliano, Scott, Seaman, Secker, Sellen, Seo, Sethi, 159 Seymour, Shaffer, Shafipour, Shahabuddin, Shannon, Sharif, Shaw, 101 Shea, Shen, Sher, Sherwood, Shiau, Shin, Shivalli, Shoemaker, Shoenberg, Shorter, Shute, Sibthorpe, Simpson, Sims, Singh Sikarwar, Singh, Sisk, Skinner, Skylar, A.A., Smalley, Smeed, Smith, Snyder, Soares, Somekh, Son, Souers, Souto das Neves, Souza, Srivastava, Staker, Starosta, Statista, Stein, Stewart, Stone, Subirats, Suh, Sun, Surma, Swartz, Swinton, Tamim, Tang, Taylor, Taymans, Thauberger, The Open 8, 107–108, 115–117, 124, 122, United Nations, Educational, Scientific Cultural (UNESCO), 6, 13–16, Thompson, Tinker, Tobin, Tomaževič, Topping, Tour, Toyama, Trenholm, Tucker, Turnbull, Turner, Turpin, Udemy, Umek, University Business, Kent, Warwick, York, Vallade, Vamos, van den Boom, Van der Zwaan, Deursen, Dijk, Keer, Merriënboer, Van’t VanDeusen, Vanier, Venet, 53–54 Verma, Vladova, 91 Vogus, Vujosevic, Walsh, Walton, Wan, Wang, Waugh, Web Accessibility Initiative, 126 Weber, K.M., Weller, Wiebe, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, 77–78 Wolstencroft, Wong, Wood, Wotherspoon, Wray, Xin, Xiu, Xu, Yadav, 5 Yamagata-Lynch, 36, Yang, 164 Yap, 103 Yaw, Yeager, Yeung, Yin, Yukselturk, Zayac, Zhang, Zhou, Zimmerman, Zumwalt, Zusho, Book Chapters Prelims Part I: Engaging Students Chapter 1: Introduction to 2: When the “Cultural Other” Becomes Socially Close During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Afghani–Lebanese Intercultural Communication Narrative 3: Strengthening Approaches 4: Evidence-informed Practices Fostering Self-regulated Resilient Learners 5: Humanizing Classroom Face a Dehumanizing 6: Changing Dynamics Student Engagement II: E-Learning Strategies 7: From Emergency Strategic Interventions: Future-proofing Library's Approach Curriculum Influence Pre-, During, Post-COVID 8: Rethinking Study Abroad Programs Post-COVID-19 World: A Technology-based Proposal 9: Application Blended Outbreaks, Epidemics Pandemics: Case (HEIs) 10: Best Hybrid Health Education/Promotion – Current About Authors Name Index Subject

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INDEX S . No . Name

Introduction: A comparative study of blood cross match between gel card technique and conventional tube method wasundertaken on approx 1000 sample conducted in Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital ,Rewa associated with Shyam shahmedical college Rewa .Material & Methods: most commonly conventional tube method are used widly. Now new technique of cross matching isintroduced . In th...

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First Name Last Name Title

Applying weighted network measures to distance matrices Many approaches to the analysis of weighted networks are not designed for fully connected weighted networks. However, as any distance matrix between objects is a fully connected weighted network, such networks are extremely common. In earlier work we derived an approach for the analysis of weighted networks which also works on fully connec...

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Throne Name in the Achaemenid period

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A Connectionist View of Cognition<product> <article-title>Parallel Distributed Processing</article-title> <contrib-group><contrib> <name index="Rumelhart, David E."> <given-names>David E.</given-names> <surname>Rumelhart</surname> </name> </contrib></contrib-group> <contrib-group><contrib> <name index="McClelland, James L."> <given-names>James L.</given-names> <surname>McClelland</surname> </name> </contrib></contrib-group> <contrib-group><contrib><string-name index="PDP Research Group">PDP Research Group</string-name></contrib></contrib-group> </product>

than any particular implementation. It also seems that the "computer metaphor" for mind is not really being abandoned by the connectionists, but simply modified: the classical von Neumann serial processor is replaced with a processor that performs some simple computation in parallel on many data elements (for example, the "Con. *u . ,LI.;u. Q**Q. Q , o * ; .0 0 . OWN. . ....... .* ....... 00. 0...

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Context: Traditionally, embedded systems (ES) are tightly linked to physical products, and closed both for communication to the surrounding world and to additions or modifications by third parties. New technical solutions are however emerging that allow addition of plug-in software, as well as external communication for both software installation and data exchange. These mechanisms in combinati...

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عنوان ژورنال: Innovations in higher education teaching and learning

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2055-365X', '2055-3641']